Laboratory Services

The Delaware Valley Veterinary Hospital uses both in-house laboratory equipment and commercial testing services to provide comprehensive testing and rapid results. Routine testing for blood counts and chemistries are done with state-of-the art equipment in the hospital and are available within hours. Other test results are usually available within 24 hours.

pet health

Among the laboratory services offered:

  • Feline leukemia & FIV testing
  • Heartworm testing
  • Lyme disease testing
  • Fecal floatation
  • Urinalysis and microscopic examination of urine
  • Complete blood counts
  • Blood chemistry and electrolytes
  • Cytology (microscopic examination of cells) of the skin and ears
  • Culture and sensitivity
  • Diabetes diagnosis and control
  • Hormone levels, such as thyroid, cortisol, and progesterone
  • Histology (microscopic examination of tumor cells)
  • Testing for parasites such as giardia
  • Testing for diseases such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis