Pet Dental Care in Mullica Hill
Pet dental care is an important element of overall health and wellness. If your canine’s canines or cat’s cronchers aren’t consistently cleaned, seemingly small oral issues can travel through the blood to other parts of the body.
A great way to keep a purrfect smile is to be a part of our comprehensive wellness program.

Why Is Pet Dental Health Important?
Pets use their mouths to taste, communicate, explore their environment, and to play. Plaque buildup can lead to infection. They also don’t know how to tell us something hurts, or what is wrong. This goes double for cats, who are notorious for their independence!
An infection in their mouth extends beyond stinky breath: it can lead to infections, periodontal disease, and cause long term discomfort and damage to their teeth, kidneys, or heart.

Dental Health at Home
Your pet’s dental care begins at home. Training your furry family member at a young age to not mind teeth cleanings can go a long way in their long-term comfort and health. Consistent cleanings are also a great way to gauge whether they’re developing sensitive spots in their mouth.
Please note: we do not offer in-house teeth brushing at our location.
How to Spot Pet Dental Issues
Is your pet’s breath stinky? Halitosis can be a clear indicator that something’s going on in your pet’s mouth. A few other signs your pet might need a checkup include:
- Decreased appetite
- Pawing at the mouth
- Excessive drooling
- Chewing on one side of the mouth
- Behavioral changes like irritation or aggression
- Swollen gums, discolored teeth, or visible tartar buildup
Want to schedule a pet dental checkup? Call us at (856) 241-1100 or fill out an appointment request!